Thursday, August 7, 2014

Owl Computer Chess Engines Rating List - Comparison with Ordo and Bayes ELO

Rank Chess Engine Ordo ELO Bayes ELO Change Games Score% Points Win Loss Draw
1 Stockfish 5 x64 3195.40 3170.13 25.27 3100 76.34 2366.5 1839 206 1055
2 Komodo 7a x64 3126.11 3105.66 20.45 3100 68.19 2114.0 1568 440 1092
3 Houdini 4 Pro x64 3125.95 3110.64 15.31 7200 68.04 4899.0 3563 965 2672
4 Gull 3 x64 3091.29 3077.81 13.48 3900 64.06 2498.5 1766 669 1465
5 DON 140210 x64 3078.06 3068.17 9.89 2200 60.73 1336.0 876 404 920
6 Strelka 6 3076.86 3066.02 10.84 4000 66.49 2659.5 1909 590 1501
7 Robodini 1.1 x64 3059.99 3054.20 5.79 5500 60.49 3327.0 2274 1120 2106
8 Samsung x64 3030.77 3024.70 6.07 2900 52.84 1532.5 945 780 1175
9 Critter 1.6a x64 3024.20 3016.07 8.13 9000 58.62 5275.5 3308 1757 3935
10 Mars 2.2 x64 3004.45 2996.28 8.17 1800 52.50 945.0 410 320 1070
11 ComStock 3 x64 2998.36 2994.25 4.11 5300 52.92 2805.0 1699 1389 2212
12 Fire 3.0 x64 2996.64 2989.11 7.53 6800 54.18 3684.0 1980 1412 3408
13 RyanFish 1 x64 2992.34 2989.06 3.28 4800 52.15 2503.0 1613 1407 1780
14 Bouquet 1.8 x64 2985.86 2980.76 5.10 4900 47.12 2309.0 1006 1288 2606
15 Firenzina 2.4 xTreme x64 2983.18 2976.93 6.25 4000 47.58 1903.0 765 959 2276
16 Saros eXp R5 x64 2982.12 2976.58 5.54 2300 48.41 1113.5 428 501 1371
17 Equinox 2.02 x64 2979.76 2973.87 5.89 5400 53.97 2914.5 1698 1269 2433
18 PanChess 00.537 x64 2977.29 2971.73 5.56 4900 46.80 2293.0 966 1280 2654
19 RobboLito 0.10 x64 2969.66 2964.57 5.09 2700 53.37 1441.0 740 558 1402
20 Igorrit 0.086v9 x64 2969.29 2965.37 3.92 5700 48.79 2781.0 1409 1547 2744
21 Rybka 4.1 x64 2967.02 2962.42 4.60 8700 51.77 4504.0 2844 2536 3320
22 Ivanhoe 46h x64 2958.46 2954.31 4.15 6700 46.85 3139.0 1388 1810 3502
23 Tactico Power 2011 x64 2954.09 2951.15 2.94 6600 46.35 3059.0 1289 1771 3540
24 LEOpard 0.7c x64 2949.25 2945.90 3.35 6600 45.79 3022.0 1352 1908 3340
25 Vitruvius 1.11C x64 2943.97 2941.11 2.86 4800 47.20 2265.5 1067 1336 2397
26 Black Mamba 2.0 x64 2925.18 2926.09 -0.91 3200 45.81 1466.0 680 948 1572
27 Sting SF 4 x64 2915.87 2915.79 0.08 1500 63.43 951.5 690 287 523
28 Ippolit 0.080b3 2905.26 2902.35 2.91 4020 55.09 2214.5 1214 805 2001
29 Akkad 0.52b x64 2889.60 2891.40 -1.80 4700 39.18 1841.5 734 1751 2215
30 OpenCritter 1.1.37 2881.18 2881.19 -0.01 4070 51.87 2111.0 1178 1026 1866
31 Tankist 3.1 2880.21 2879.88 0.33 4070 51.73 2105.5 1065 924 2081
32 Szint GM 2868.46 2869.13 -0.67 4070 50.11 2039.5 1092 1083 1895
33 Damirs Killer 77 2853.73 2855.81 -2.08 4080 48.16 1965.0 949 1099 2032
34 Protector 1.6.0 x64 2845.22 2848.08 -2.86 2200 42.64 938.0 565 889 746
35 Tinapa 1.01 2838.91 2840.68 -1.77 4080 46.13 1882.0 980 1296 1804
36 Shredder 12 x64 2834.32 2834.48 -0.16 6300 38.37 2417.5 1423 2888 1989
37 Hannibal 1.4b x64 2833.79 2836.18 -2.39 3900 45.88 1789.5 1183 1504 1213
38 Texel 1.04 x64 2823.08 2826.23 -3.15 2100 40.98 860.5 521 900 679
39 Deep Hiarcs 14 2820.26 2822.61 -2.35 3800 44.29 1683.0 1105 1539 1156
40 Crab PGO 2817.39 2820.33 -2.94 4080 43.20 1762.5 922 1477 1681
41 Mishas Mauler 12T 2814.66 2819.19 -4.53 1000 52.50 525.0 326 276 398
42 Spike 1.4 2804.51 2807.84 -3.33 6670 40.08 2673.5 1491 2814 2365
43 Senpai 1.0 x64 2788.26 2790.84 -2.58 3400 40.41 1374.0 855 1507 1038
44 Naum 4.2 x64 2781.90 2784.69 -2.79 6500 32.91 2139.0 1145 3367 1988
45 Sjeng 2010 2745.57 2748.26 -2.69 6670 32.75 2184.5 1179 3480 2011
46 Junior 13.8.04 x64 2739.06 2741.44 -2.38 3900 35.09 1368.5 844 2007 1049
47 Gaviota 1.0 x64 2732.78 2737.30 -4.52 1900 31.68 602.0 338 1034 528
48 Murka 3 x64 2718.49 2725.16 -6.67 3800 34.37 1306.0 721 1909 1170
49 DiscoCheck 5.2 x64 2716.01 2721.71 -5.70 3700 36.38 1346.0 824 1832 1044
50 Onno 1.2.70 x64 2704.11 2709.29 -5.18 3300 35.05 1156.5 678 1665 957
51 Quazar 0.4 x64 2703.97 2707.57 -3.60 1500 47.27 709.0 486 568 446
52 SmarThink 1.70 2699.71 2708.00 -8.29 1000 54.50 545.0 392 302 306
53 Doch 1.3.4 x64 2699.19 2703.91 -4.72 1400 46.32 648.5 423 526 451
54 Thinker 54D Inert x64 2691.34 2696.16 -4.82 1300 44.15 574.0 365 517 418
55 Booot 5.2.0 x64 2690.46 2698.59 -8.13 1400 58.50 819.0 619 381 400
56 Toga II 3.0 2686.59 2693.14 -6.55 1000 53.25 532.5 347 282 371
57 Minko Chess 1.3 x64 2683.67 2690.51 -6.84 1500 56.23 843.5 608 421 471
58 Nemo 1.0.1b x64 2656.27 2661.57 -5.30 1800 54.25 976.5 698 545 557
59 Crafty 23.8 x64 2649.02 2651.47 -2.45 1600 43.91 702.5 487 682 431
60 Spark 1.0 x64 2646.22 2652.13 -5.91 1200 59.79 717.5 582 347 271
61 Cheng 4.0.36a x64 2644.75 2649.33 -4.58 1600 54.44 871.0 615 473 512
62 Chiron 1.1a 2641.60 2657.22 -15.62 1760 50.74 893.0 627 601 532
63 Umko 1.2 x64 2633.40 2638.42 -5.02 1800 53.17 957.0 669 555 576
64 Zappa Mexico II x64 2631.42 2635.03 -3.61 1000 57.10 571.0 399 257 344
65 Scorpio 2.7.6 x64 2627.23 2631.75 -4.52 1000 53.10 531.0 388 326 286
66 Fruit Reloaded 2.1 2626.83 2630.00 -3.17 1000 46.40 464.0 307 379 314
67 EXchess 7.18b x64 2621.47 2625.76 -4.29 1900 50.13 952.5 683 678 539
68 Loop 2007 x64 2620.07 2624.24 -4.17 1800 51.42 925.5 627 576 597
69 Grapefruit 1.0 2619.59 2632.28 -12.69 1810 48.48 877.5 584 639 587
70 Tornado 4.88 x64 2603.31 2606.99 -3.68 1600 50.41 806.5 568 555 477
71 NirvanaChess 1.7 x64 2603.24 2612.17 -8.93 1000 55.40 554.0 407 299 294
72 Smaug 2.2.1 x64 2602.91 2607.73 -4.82 1700 48.74 828.5 548 591 561
73 Glaurung 2.2 x64 2597.68 2602.38 -4.70 1300 50.73 659.5 443 424 433
74 Vajolet2 1.43 x64 2594.78 2598.21 -3.43 1000 48.35 483.5 334 367 299
75 Borodino 1.0 2580.27 2592.68 -12.41 1700 46.68 793.5 542 655 503
76 Belka 1.8.20 2579.58 2594.06 -14.48 1710 47.87 818.5 546 619 545
77 Ktulu 9.0 2573.45 2588.90 -15.45 1710 46.93 802.5 532 637 541
78 Cyclone xTreme 2570.61 2583.61 -13.00 1810 44.61 807.5 509 704 597
79 Mad Prune 1.1.25 2560.06 2575.21 -15.15 1710 48.57 830.5 561 610 539
80 BugChess2 1.9 x64 2553.70 2555.17 -1.47 1000 42.80 428.0 283 427 290
81 Arasan 16.3 x64 2550.50 2551.18 -0.68 1400 38.32 536.5 341 668 391
82 iCE 1.0 x64 2546.56 2549.10 -2.54 1700 52.50 892.5 668 583 449
83 Rodent 1.2 x64 2535.94 2537.19 -1.25 1600 37.97 607.5 361 746 493
84 Naraku 1.4 2515.41 2531.92 -16.51 1700 50.41 857.0 722 708 270
85 Chronos 1.9.9 2511.05 2525.30 -14.25 1810 44.70 809.0 529 721 560
86 ProDeo 1.87 2507.55 2508.64 -1.09 1400 30.00 420.0 247 807 346
87 Dirty 20Apr2013 2507.08 2522.37 -15.29 1000 58.55 585.5 440 269 291
88 Gambit Fruit 4bx 2497.22 2509.54 -12.32 1900 50.21 954.0 690 682 528
89 Twisted Logic 100131 2494.03 2508.11 -14.08 2000 49.12 982.5 718 753 529
90 Deuterium x64 2492.24 2491.95 0.29 1200 32.83 394.0 221 633 346
91 Jonny 4.00 2486.13 2498.57 -12.44 1900 42.18 801.5 549 846 505
92 Bright 0.5c 2472.24 2482.32 -10.08 1900 39.66 753.5 529 922 449
93 Bison 9.11 2451.93 2463.11 -11.18 2000 46.50 930.0 681 821 498
94 Fruitfly 1.1.1 2445.46 2457.09 -11.63 1800 54.64 983.5 726 559 515
95 Delfi 5.4 2434.45 2445.98 -11.53 1800 52.92 952.5 696 591 513
96 Rainbow Serpent 2.3.2 2428.25 2440.72 -12.47 1800 51.94 935.0 794 724 282
97 The King 3.50 2423.97 2433.46 -9.49 2000 44.77 895.5 658 867 475
98 Alaric 707 2421.17 2430.23 -9.06 1800 50.83 915.0 680 650 470
99 Pharaon 3.5.1 2419.21 2430.45 -11.24 1600 56.53 904.5 690 481 429
100 Colossus 2008b 2410.04 2419.47 -9.43 1820 49.23 896.0 628 656 536
101 Ruffian 1.0.5 2388.33 2397.08 -8.75 1820 52.47 955.0 697 607 516
102 Rotor 0.7a 2384.63 2393.21 -8.58 1770 50.34 891.0 645 633 492
103 Daydreamer 1.75 2382.51 2390.07 -7.56 1770 50.73 898.0 649 623 498
104 Zappa Mexico II 2382.25 2388.08 -5.83 1840 34.97 643.5 417 970 453
105 Amyan 1.72 2379.80 2388.35 -8.55 1790 52.18 934.0 695 617 478
106 Rebel Century 2373.40 2381.55 -8.15 1790 56.09 1004.0 801 583 406
107 E.T. Chess 13.01.08 2368.57 2374.74 -6.17 1790 50.31 900.5 626 615 549
108 Bobcat 3.25 2368.55 2376.64 -8.09 1790 50.92 911.5 670 637 483
109 Aristarch 4.50 2364.20 2370.69 -6.49 1790 54.47 975.0 739 579 472
110 Francesca MAD 0.19 2363.40 2369.53 -6.13 1790 52.07 932.0 655 581 554
111 Movei 00.8.438 2361.09 2366.91 -5.82 1790 51.70 925.5 685 624 481
112 Frenzee 3.5.19 2356.08 2364.41 -8.33 1690 52.57 888.5 766 679 245
113 Sloppy 0.2.3 2344.35 2348.78 -4.43 1770 49.55 877.0 626 642 502
114 Godel 2.3.7 2343.27 2348.43 -5.16 1640 49.91 818.5 614 617 409
115 Hamsters 0.7.1 2341.64 2346.11 -4.47 1660 49.34 819.0 583 605 472
116 Pseudo 0.7c 2337.08 2341.93 -4.85 1860 47.93 891.5 603 680 577
117 Gnuchess 5.07.1705b 2334.83 2339.65 -4.82 1110 48.65 540.0 409 439 262
118 AnMon 5.75 2328.56 2332.15 -3.59 1640 47.23 774.5 556 647 437
119 Octochess r4692 2322.03 2326.52 -4.49 520 36.73 191.0 124 262 134
120 N2 0.4 2319.51 2323.62 -4.11 1140 51.71 589.5 426 387 327
121 Rodin 5.1 2314.82 2317.79 -2.97 1140 58.20 663.5 520 333 287
122 Atlas 3.25 2314.75 2319.94 -5.19 870 58.05 505.0 403 263 204
123 Ufim 8.02 2312.67 2316.80 -4.13 940 51.86 487.5 379 344 217
124 LGEvolution 2310.98 2313.96 -2.98 940 55.53 522.0 394 290 256
125 NanoSzachy 4.0 2308.98 2311.85 -2.87 1140 53.90 614.5 466 377 297
126 Doublecheck 3.1 2307.61 2310.70 -3.09 1120 49.55 555.0 425 435 260
127 SOS 5.1 2299.84 2301.99 -2.15 1190 50.55 601.5 471 458 261
128 Mephisto Gideon Pro 2287.17 2296.72 -9.55 440 57.39 252.5 203 138 99
129 Garbochess 3.0 2280.01 2281.84 -1.83 990 46.92 464.5 374 435 181
130 Tucano 2.0 2277.64 2279.09 -1.45 1020 46.13 470.5 309 388 323
131 Glass 2.0 2277.37 2281.03 -3.66 910 47.47 432.0 315 361 234
132 Pepito 1.59.2 2272.08 2274.03 -1.95 910 46.65 424.5 322 383 205
133 Hermann 2.8 2270.59 2272.42 -1.83 630 51.03 321.5 261 248 121
134 Brutus 8.05 2267.83 2269.37 -1.54 420 45.71 192.0 139 175 106
135 The Baron 2.23 2265.75 2264.55 1.20 610 44.10 269.0 207 279 124
136 SlowChess 2.96 2265.58 2267.81 -2.23 450 47.00 211.5 151 178 121
137 Yace 0.99.87 2259.37 2260.21 -0.84 400 50.50 202.0 162 158 80
138 Green Light 2254.61 2253.71 0.90 430 54.77 235.5 177 136 117
139 KasparovX 2.6 2252.09 2254.58 -2.49 400 52.00 208.0 158 142 100
140 Danasah 4.88 2242.73 2241.38 1.35 820 46.10 378.0 275 339 206
141 Philou 3.71 2242.55 2242.43 0.12 820 41.83 343.0 246 380 194
142 Petir 4.99 2241.06 2244.48 -3.42 400 54.62 218.5 167 130 103
143 NirvanaChess 1.1 2236.95 2255.93 -18.98 300 68.00 204.0 187 79 34
144 PikoSzachy 4.0 2235.67 2247.56 -11.89 400 62.00 248.0 213 117 70
145 Trace 1.37a 2233.83 2237.17 -3.34 400 53.62 214.5 175 146 79
146 Redqueen 1.1.3 2232.35 2231.87 0.48 400 47.25 189.0 155 177 68
147 Bruja 1.9.1 2231.40 2232.70 -1.30 560 48.93 274.0 209 221 130
148 Tao 5.6 2229.72 2233.77 -4.05 400 52.38 209.5 173 154 73
149 Djinn 0.979 2221.35 2223.22 -1.87 400 54.25 217.0 175 141 84
150 Pawny 0.3.1 2211.28 2209.83 1.45 400 41.75 167.0 130 196 74
151 Matacz 1.4 2210.01 2210.24 -0.23 360 40.28 145.0 111 181 68
152 Kiwi 0.6d 2205.82 2207.98 -2.16 420 52.62 221.0 174 152 94
153 King of Kings 2.56 2193.65 2193.48 0.17 400 51.38 205.5 168 157 75
154 Nebula 1.5 2190.04 2193.22 -3.18 420 52.98 222.5 175 150 95
155 Gromit 3.8.2 2185.44 2183.34 2.10 400 41.75 167.0 130 196 74
156 SpiderChess 070603 2178.68 2183.65 -4.97 400 58.00 232.0 186 122 92
157 Anatoli 0.35k 2177.33 2173.24 4.09 400 27.38 109.5 69 250 81
158 Capivara LK 0.09a02a 2171.50 2173.19 -1.69 420 59.29 249.0 214 136 70
159 Gosu 0.16 2157.70 2157.69 0.01 400 48.88 195.5 161 170 69
160 Phalanx XXIII 2155.45 2149.56 5.89 1040 31.06 323.0 241 635 164
161 Quark 2.35 2151.90 2151.36 0.54 380 49.08 186.5 146 153 81
162 Abrok 5.0 2147.96 2145.34 2.62 360 46.11 166.0 124 152 84
163 Nejmet 3.07 2145.76 2146.88 -1.12 340 48.24 164.0 126 138 76
164 KnightDreamer 3.3 2142.50 2142.20 0.30 360 47.78 172.0 134 150 76
165 Cheese 1.4 2139.56 2138.52 1.04 360 47.36 170.5 133 152 75
166 Dorky 4.3.7 2137.82 2138.32 -0.50 360 46.94 169.0 124 146 90
167 Diablo 0.5.1 2137.71 2136.82 0.89 360 35.42 127.5 88 193 79
168 Butcher 1.64 2136.80 2136.64 0.16 400 58.50 234.0 199 131 70
169 Crazy Bishop 0052 2135.23 2134.98 0.25 360 48.19 173.5 131 144 85
170 Cerebro 3.03d 2135.10 2131.25 3.85 400 47.50 190.0 158 178 64
171 Comet B68 2133.91 2131.86 2.05 360 46.39 167.0 128 154 78
172 Delphil 2.9g 2133.01 2130.55 2.46 320 43.59 139.5 99 140 81
173 Danchess 1.04a 2130.11 2127.82 2.29 340 47.35 161.0 131 149 60
174 Chezzz 1.0.3 2130.01 2127.77 2.24 340 60.88 207.0 174 100 66
175 Buzz 0.07 2128.92 2131.09 -2.17 360 60.28 217.0 183 109 68
176 BBChess 1.3b 2127.37 2126.22 1.15 360 47.08 169.5 132 153 75
177 Little Thought 1.052 2125.07 2122.19 2.88 320 34.69 111.0 86 184 50
178 Simplex 0.9.8 2121.39 2118.81 2.58 520 37.21 193.5 140 273 107
179 Snitch 1.6.2 2121.35 2119.12 2.23 340 44.41 151.0 123 161 56
180 Betsy 6.51 2120.73 2116.08 4.65 340 46.03 156.5 123 150 67
181 Olithink 5.3.0 2120.10 2115.58 4.52 340 44.41 151.0 118 156 66
182 Terra 3.4 2116.41 2113.92 2.49 320 44.06 141.0 109 147 64
183 Sjakk 2.0 2112.36 2104.49 7.87 440 37.27 164.0 120 232 88
184 GreKo 9.8 2110.71 2111.92 -1.21 340 32.94 112.0 78 194 68
185 Betsabe II 1.28 2110.27 2107.48 2.79 340 44.56 151.5 119 156 65
186 Amy 0.87b 2108.60 2108.08 0.52 320 42.97 137.5 104 149 67
187 Patzer 3.8 2106.25 2106.65 -0.40 340 57.65 196.0 169 117 54
188 RomiChess P3L 2100.75 2095.34 5.41 320 41.88 134.0 102 154 64
189 Arion 1.7 2094.79 2091.86 2.93 320 42.66 136.5 104 151 65
190 Gaia 3.5 2090.46 2086.59 3.87 340 43.82 149.0 119 161 60
191 Alex 2.14a 2084.69 2078.56 6.13 300 44.33 133.0 104 138 58
192 ECE 12.01 2084.12 2081.67 2.45 340 44.56 151.5 111 148 81
193 Leila 0.53h 2083.52 2079.20 4.32 320 41.09 131.5 94 151 75
194 LambChop 10.99 2080.37 2077.20 3.17 320 42.81 137.0 111 157 52
195 Eveann 1.71a 2078.71 2075.22 3.49 300 43.50 130.5 93 132 75
196 Cyrano 0.6b17 2069.10 2065.21 3.89 300 42.17 126.5 98 145 57
197 Eeyore 1.52 2065.48 2056.96 8.52 300 41.67 125.0 93 143 64
198 GES 1.36 2061.74 2057.83 3.91 300 43.00 129.0 96 138 66
199 Horizon 4.4 2061.47 2055.14 6.33 300 56.33 169.0 141 103 56
200 TJchess 1.1 2060.23 2054.83 5.40 300 56.17 168.5 138 101 61
201 KnightX 1.92 2047.10 2042.36 4.74 300 56.67 170.0 143 103 54
202 Resp 0.19 2047.10 2042.64 4.46 300 56.67 170.0 141 101 58
203 Ifrit M1.8 2044.47 2039.36 5.11 500 48.70 243.5 191 204 105
204 Scidlet 3.61b2 2043.44 2033.51 9.93 300 56.17 168.5 133 96 71
205 Sorgenkind 0.4 2034.93 2027.65 7.28 300 55.00 165.0 138 108 54
206 Averno 0.81 2032.51 2027.55 4.96 300 54.67 164.0 135 107 58
207 Esc 1.16 2032.34 2025.13 7.21 300 56.50 169.5 145 106 49
208 Dragon 4.6 2027.19 2023.96 3.23 300 38.33 115.0 76 146 78
209 Ares 1.004 2025.09 2016.41 8.68 300 55.50 166.5 137 104 59
210 Popochin 3.2 2021.47 2013.79 7.68 300 55.00 165.0 128 98 74
211 CyberPagno 2.1 2008.25 1999.14 9.11 300 53.17 159.5 123 104 73
212 Gibbon 2.57a 2001.07 1992.78 8.29 300 52.17 156.5 131 118 51
213 AliChess 4.25 1989.13 1981.73 7.40 300 53.67 161.0 133 111 56
214 Rhetoric Lite 1987.90 1977.57 10.33 300 50.33 151.0 127 125 48
215 Jazz 6.40 1987.90 1980.31 7.59 300 50.33 151.0 117 115 68
216 Sage 3.53 1986.74 1979.42 7.32 300 53.33 160.0 131 111 58
217 Uralochka 1.1b 1977.22 1969.60 7.62 300 52.00 156.0 124 112 64
218 Madeleine 0.2 1973.66 1962.12 11.54 300 51.50 154.5 124 115 61
219 Myrddin 0.86 1972.86 1966.69 6.17 300 34.50 103.5 67 160 73
220 Zeus 1.29 1968.91 1960.72 8.19 300 50.83 152.5 114 109 77
221 Sinobyl 1.5 1966.54 1956.81 9.73 300 50.50 151.5 119 116 65
222 Anechka 0.08 1955.85 1942.78 13.07 300 49.00 147.0 118 124 58
223 RattateChess 1.0 1949.71 1935.08 14.63 300 50.83 152.5 118 113 69
224 Adam 3.3 1943.96 1929.82 14.14 300 47.33 142.0 111 127 62
225 Lime 66 1942.77 1927.83 14.94 300 47.17 141.5 117 134 49
226 GK 0.90 1933.23 1920.09 13.14 300 45.83 137.5 111 136 53
227 Sunsetter C10.3 1930.62 1917.22 13.40 300 48.17 144.5 119 130 51
228 Nebiyu 1.42 1922.26 1906.73 15.53 300 47.00 141.0 120 138 42
229 Black Bishop 1.0 1917.89 1901.37 16.52 320 48.44 155.0 124 134 62
230 Shallow 1.0 1915.08 1898.78 16.30 300 46.00 138.0 111 135 54
231 Obender 3.2 x.s 7.5 1915.08 1899.03 16.05 300 46.00 138.0 110 134 56
232 Atak 6.8 1914.45 1899.01 15.44 320 47.97 153.5 129 142 49
233 Matilde 2008 1906.41 1889.06 17.35 320 46.88 150.0 124 144 52
234 Alarm 0.93.1 1897.21 1881.42 15.79 320 45.62 146.0 117 145 58
235 Genesis 2.0 1893.74 1878.16 15.58 320 45.16 144.5 107 138 75
236 Feuerstein 1878.66 1858.81 19.85 320 43.12 138.0 103 147 70
237 NagaSkaki 5.12 1846.63 1832.08 14.55 320 42.19 135.0 101 151 68
238 Fortress 1.62 1832.60 1816.73 15.87 320 40.47 129.5 99 160 61
239 WJChess 1.64 1828.75 1816.50 12.25 320 40.00 128.0 106 170 44
240 Chesley r323 1805.42 1796.71 8.71 320 37.19 119.0 87 169 64
241 Kurt 1782.91 1771.97 10.94 320 34.53 110.5 86 185 49
242 Knockout 0.7.1 1752.86 1734.38 18.48 320 31.09 99.5 78 199 43
243 Waxman 2011 1731.58 1709.76 21.82 320 28.75 92.0 71 207 42
244 Ant 2007B 1706.49 1690.10 16.39 320 26.09 83.5 61 214 45
245 Cinnamon 1.1 x64 1684.28 1667.06 17.22 300 31.67 95.0 60 170 70
246 Nesik 0.7.0a 1676.90 1649.11 27.79 320 23.12 74.0 57 229 34

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